Other (indicate in message) Submitted: June 16, 2022 | Updated: July 8, 2022

(June 2022) Request for NC Dept of Insurance: Any complaints or grievances and outcomes 01/01/2017 – present day

Hello NC Dept. of Insurance (Records Officer),

I'd like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law.
Ref: https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html

If they exist, please provide any and all complaints or grievances filed against John Cable, Deputy Commissioner of the Bail Bond Regulatory Division of the North Carolina Department of Insurance. During the specific time period of January 01, 2017 to present day (date the query is performed).

If they exist, please also include the outcomes of all complaints / grievances.

If they exist, please DO NOT include any personally identifying information about complainants (such as complaint #, name of complainant, address, email, etc). Sunshine Request will not publish this type of information.

** If you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of this request, please specifically cite where a reason for denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **

Thank you for your assistance!

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Editor’s Note 06/16/22: Please note —

Sunshine Request will not fulfill the following types of requests:

☀️ Requests for public safety information specific to a single individual, address, incident or name.

This includes police reports, calls for service, complaints / incident reports / citations, criminal / arrest type records, or camera footage. We will, on a case by case basis, fulfill public safety related requests that focus on system-level trends and data.

Due to the personal nature of this type of information, we recommend that the sender reach out directly to the appropriate entity for assistance with the request.

☀️ Requests that include profanity, personal statements, opinions, possibly defamatory statements, or other unnecessary info that is not relevant to making a records request.

Please do not include any profanity in the request’s Subject or Message. The request will not be published.

Blatantly defamatory statements will not be published.

Please do not include personal opinions and statements in the request’s Subject or Message. Please omit any extraneous statements that are not specific to the exact information you’d like to receive. This is not relevant information pertinent to the processing of a records request, and the request will not be published.

☀️ Please be specific:

It is important that what you are requesting is specific and reasonable, and is an actionable records request. Please specify the exact type of records you’d like to receive, rather than any “possible” or “potential” info that could be searched. Remember that the larger your request, the more time it usually takes to fulfill. Specificity will often help reduce the amount of time needed to process the request.

It is important that a request has a clearly written and complete Subject and Message, and also specifies the Government Entity (or entities), City and/or County, and State to which the request should be sent. If applicable, please also include any responsive timelines for the info that should be requested.

While we do proofread requests we receive for general spelling and clarity, we may choose not to fulfill the request if it is incomplete, or it is unclear what specific info the requester hopes to receive, or if it violates our policies.

Before submitting a request, please take a moment to review our tips for How to write and make a successful request. If you have additional questions about our site or how to make requests, please check out our FAQs or Policies page.

Thank you for using Sunshine Request!

Status: Completed


  • July 8, 2022 4:49 pm

    1 year ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: “Smith, Barry L” <[email protected]>
    cc: “Tyson, Jason M” <[email protected]>,
    “Hoomani, A. John” <[email protected]>,
    “Spann, Abby” <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 8, 2022, 4:49 PM
    subject: Re: [External] Records Request: (June 2022) Request for NC Dept of Insurance: Any complaints or grievances and outcomes 01/01/2017 – present day


    Good afternoon Barry,


    Thank you for your help with this request! I’ve marked it as completed on our site and will note the information you’ve provided for the original requester to see.


    Have a good day.

    Status: Completed
  • July 8, 2022 11:50 pm

    1 year ago

    from: Smith, Barry L <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    cc: “Tyson, Jason M” <[email protected]>,
    “Hoomani, A. John” <[email protected]>,
    “Spann, Abby” <[email protected]>
    date: Jul 8, 2022, 11:50 AM
    subject: RE: [External] Records Request: (June 2022) Request for NC Dept of Insurance: Any complaints or grievances and outcomes 01/01/2017 – present day


    Under Article 7 of General Statute 126, state employee personnel records are exempt from the state public records law and are not subject to public inspection.


    The documents you have requested are part of a state employee’s personal records and are therefore not subject to public inspection.


    If you have any further questions, please let me know.



    Barry Smith

    Deputy Director of Communications/Safety Officer

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • June 17, 2022 3:52 pm

    2 years ago

    from: Smith, Barry L <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    cc: “Tyson, Jason M” <[email protected]>,
    “Spann, Abby” <[email protected]>
    date: Jun 17, 2022, 3:52 PM
    subject: RE: [External] Records Request: (June 2022) Request for NC Dept of Insurance: Any complaints or grievances and outcomes 01/01/2017 – present day


    We have received your public records request and are in the process of fulfilling it.


    Barry Smith
    Deputy Director of Communications/Safety Officer

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • June 17, 2022 3:24 pm

    2 years ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: “Smith, Barry L” <[email protected]>
    date: Jun 17, 2022, 3:24 PM
    subject: Records Request: (June 2022) Request for NC Dept of Insurance: Any complaints or grievances and outcomes 01/01/2017 – present day


    Good afternoon NC Department of Insurance,


    I’d like to make a public records request for information that may be available in your office.


    If you’re not the appropriate party to contact about the request, please provide the correct name and email address of whom I should send it to.


    Please confirm receipt to let me know the request will begin processing, and if possible, please provide a rough estimate of when the request may be completed. I will plan on following up again around the end of the month if I have not heard back before then.


    Here are the details of the request:


    Subject: (June 2022) Request for NC Dept of Insurance: Any complaints or grievances and outcomes 01/01/2017 – present day


    Message: “Hello NC Dept. of Insurance (Records Officer),


    I’d like to make a public records request for the following information under NC Public Records Law.
    Ref: https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html


    If they exist, please provide any and all complaints or grievances filed against John Cable, Deputy Commissioner of the Bail Bond Regulatory Division of the North Carolina Department of Insurance. During the specific time period of January 01, 2017 to present day (date the query is performed).


    If they exist, please also include the outcomes of all complaints / grievances.


    If they exist, please DO NOT include any personally identifying information about complainants (such as complaint #, name of complainant, address, email, etc). Sunshine Request will not publish this type of information.


    ** If you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of this request, please specifically cite where a reason for denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **


    Thank you for your assistance!”


    Thank you!


    ** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

    Status: Sent to Government
  • June 16, 2022 5:02 pm

    2 years ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending