Other (indicate in message) Submitted: May 2, 2023 | Updated: May 2, 2023

[See Editor’s Note] (May 2023) Submission related to “Jackson Co NC Principal licensure status links. JCPS Nc”

Date sent in to Sunshine: 04/23/23

Original Subject:
Jackson Co NC Principal licensure status links. JCPS Nc

Original Message:
In the exchange from April 3~April 23 on the sunshine request website two links were provided by Dr. Dana Ayers regarding principal licensure status at each of the nine schools.
A dead timed out link was provided.
We request an updated live link. Parents and the community have the right to know if an unlicensed principal was or is running a school.
We appreciate your help. We seek transparency, not dead web links.
Thank you.

Government Entity:
Other (indicate in message)

Start Date / End Date:
May 25, 2021 - April 23, 2023

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Editor’s Note 05/02/23: The submission above has been marked as “Completed.” As written, it is unclear what specific public records the sender would like to receive.

On April 04, we sent (and on April 18 we fulfilled) a request to JCPS for “Grades 9-12, Principal licensure status info 07/01/21 – 03/23/23. And School Board ethics policies 03/01/21 – 03/25/23.”  Please review all responsive records, and any follow up info we requested from Dr. Ayers, at the following URL:


You can see where we requested various points of clarification from Dr. Ayers, and were provide with several explanations / links. For example:

– “Board of Education policies”. https://boardpolicyonline.com/bl/?b=jackson

– “Access to a license for any NC certified position”. https://vo.licensure.ncpublicschools.gov/datamart/searchByNameNCDPI.do

Although there was originally a “30 minute timeout limit” on the datamart link we received, we think this was just an error or technical oversight on Dr. Ayers’ part. We’ve realized since then, that even if you click on the link and there’s a “timeout error” on the page… it does seem to resolve itself and it goes away after refreshing the page a couple of times, waiting a few minutes to click the link again, clearing your browser cache, etc. As best we can tell, the timeout issue seems to just be a temporary quirk, and it can be overridden. We’d recommend that the sender tries following those steps.

Dr. Ayer’s licensure status can also be found on this page: https://vo.licensure.ncpublicschools.gov/datamart/details.do?selector=false&selectorType=&selectorReturnUrl=&anchor=e566802.6.1

It’s also possible to receive the same info Dr. Ayers was referring to, by clicking the datamart link, then “Main Menu”, which will take you to this page: https://vo.licensure.ncpublicschools.gov/datamart/loginNCDPI.do

You can then click “verify a license” to see the responsive info, and it takes you to this page: https://vo.licensure.ncpublicschools.gov/datamart/selSearchTypeNCDPI.do?from=loginPage

Additionally. Related to all other aspects of the April 2023 original request — please note this info from our FAQs page:

Who should I contact if I think there are results of requests that have been improperly disclosed or should be redacted?
The results of all Completed requests are published on our site, and have been provided to Sunshine Request directly by the disclosing government agency (government entity).

Sunshine Request’s policy in situations involving an alleged improper disclosure is to refer you to the disclosing agency (government entity). If any party feels that an alleged improper disclosure has taken place, please contact the disclosing agency (government entity) directly.

If the disclosing agency, after a review of your case, determines that confidential information was improperly disclosed, and notifies us of such disclosure, we will then be able to review your case.

Similarly — Sunshine Request has reviewed any info given to us from JCPS to determine if it satisfies the initial request. We make no claim as to the veracity of records / responses we receive from Entities. If you have reason to believe JCPS has improperly disclosed (or is not disclosing) all available public records in accordance with NC Public Records Law, or has another technical issue on their site that needs to be resolved, we encourage you to reach out to them directly.

Sunshine Request will not fulfill the following types of requests:

☀️ Requests that are incomplete, non-specific, or vague.

While we do proofread requests we receive for general spelling and clarity, we may choose not to fulfill the request if it is incomplete, or it is unclear what specific information the requester hopes to receive. In this case, the sender may rewrite and resubmit the request.

It’s the requester’s responsibility to write the request in a manner that clearly specifies a record that is being requested, and to what government entity it should be sent.

☀️ Requests that are only informational questions, and requests that are not addressed to government entities.

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In the interest of preserving our team’s time to focus on the high volume of requests on our site, as well to respect the staff time of government entities fulfilling records requests, Sunshine Request will no longer fulfill “requests” that are just informational type questions for government entities to answer.

We also will not fulfill requests made to non-government entities.

It’s the requester’s responsibility to write the request in a manner that clearly specifies a record that is being requested, and to what government entity it should be sent.

☀️ Requests that include profanity, personal statements, opinions, possibly defamatory statements, or other unnecessary info that is not relevant to making a records request.

Please do not include personal opinions and statements in the request’s Subject or Message. Please omit any extraneous statements that are not specific to the exact information you’d like to receive. This is not relevant information pertinent to the processing of a records request, and the request will not be published.

☀️ Before submitting a request, please take a moment to review our tips for How to write and make a successful request. If you have additional questions about our site or how to make requests, please check out our FAQs or Policies page.

☀️ Please note that we cannot pay any fees / associated costs related to any of the requests on our site. If it is not possible for a Government Agency to process our request without incurring fees, then it is the responsibility of that Agency to let us know what the potential costs may be — at which point we will ask that they cease processing the request. We will mark the request as “Completed” on our site, and the sender can contact the Government Agency directly, should they wish to further pursue a request.

Thank your for using www.sunshinerequest.com!

Status: Completed


  • May 2, 2023 5:30 pm

    1 year ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending