Other (indicate in message) Submitted: September 22, 2023 | Updated: February 27, 2024

(September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.

Good Afternoon Jackson County Records Officer (and the Custodian of these Records),

Please reply promptly to the following multi-part public records request, which is being made in accordance with NC Public Records Law.
Ref: https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html

** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of these records should already exist).

I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **

This request is related to the Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library, and “Sylva Pride”.

A. The following was written about Commissioner John W. Smith in the Smoky Mountain News on 09/13/2023:

“Smith did take to the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page later in the week to comment on the issue. ‘I just wanted to say Thank You to all of you who have reached out this morning via text, email and phone calls in support of my position after the BoCC meeting last night,' the Sept. 6 post read.”

Ref: https://smokymountainnews.com/news/item/36373-residents-call-on-jackson-commissioner-to-apologize

Please provide of the all of the phone logs, voicemails, emails, SMS text messages, Facebook Messenger messages, and Facebook comments, sent To and sent From Commissioner Smith (during the specific time period of 08/01/23 - 09/16/23) that he may have been referring to in his Facebook comment on the “Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page” as cited by the Media.

B. Additionally. Please provide the Facebook Post, and all Facebook Comments made on that post (during the specific time period of 08/01/23 - 09/16/23), from the Jackson County Unity Coalition’s Facebook page – of which John W. Smith is referring to in his comment cited by the Smoky Mountain News.

That Facebook page is not publicly available / viewable to non-members: https://www.facebook.com/groups/301134541263636/

It is my belief that a majority of the Board of Commissioners are members of that Facebook page, and therefore these records should be provided by Commissioner Smith as the Custodian of those records – and/or by any other Commissioner(s) who are also a Custodian of these records.

** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.

By Law I’m not required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:

Sunshine Request
PO Box 17391
Asheville, NC 28816

The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.

Thank you for your assistance!

Editor’s Note: Sunshine Request makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

Status: Completed


  • February 27, 2024 4:37 pm

    4 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    date: Feb 27, 2024, 4:37 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Hi Jackson County Records,


    Regarding the following records request:
    (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    I downloaded the files you sent me on Feb. 22nd, and I will now mark the request as “Completed” on our website.


    Thank you very much for your assistance!


    ~ The Sunshine Request Team

    Status: Completed
  • February 22, 2024 5:49 pm

    4 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    date: Feb 22, 2024, 5:49 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Hi Jackson County Records,


    (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    I will review the documents you’ve sent, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


    If I do not have any questions, then I will mark the request as “Completed” at that point — and I’ll let you know once that’s done.


    Thank you!

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • February 22, 2024 5:19 pm

    4 months ago

    from: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    date: Feb 22, 2024, 5:19 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Records responsive to this request may be found at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/ftlgsftih7ajue0nsg6mc/h?rlkey=q27py5pyb81ffy84j9z0jtvgn&dl=0  Please download the documents upon receipt. The link will no longer be active after 90 days.


    JACKSON COUNTY – Public Records Request
    401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Suite A-218, Sylva, NC 28779
    Phone 828.631.2212  Fax 828.631.2266


    **Editor’s Note: We have downloaded our own copy of the same Dropbox file referenced above by Jackson County. Please see that file at top left in our Documents section (File name “JacksonCountyGov-PRR-20230927.zip”).


    Please note the following Instructions about opening .MBOX files:


    The files we received are in .MBOX format. These can be easily opened on Windows, using the program / documentation Jackson County provided within their responsive documents.


    However, if you’re using a Mac device you’ll need to open the “Mail App” on your computer. Click on File in the top left, and then select “Import Mailboxes”. You will be prompted to indicate where you’d like to import the data from. Simply select “Files in mbox format” , and then choose the MBOX file you wish to open. You will then be able to browse all the emails within the imported inbox in the Mail App. You can delete the inbox whenever you’re finished browsing.

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • February 16, 2024 5:04 pm

    4 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    date: Feb 16, 2024, 5:04 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Thank you for your message.


    (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    I understand. Thanks for your help! 🙂

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • February 16, 2024 4:39 pm

    4 months ago

    from: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    date: Feb 16, 2024, 4:39 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    We are continuing to process the responsive records to this request and plan to send them the later part of next week.


    JACKSON COUNTY – Public Records Request
    401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Suite A-218, Sylva, NC 28779
    Phone 828.631.2212  Fax 828.631.2266

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • February 1, 2024 12:49 pm

    5 months ago

    from: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Feb 1, 2024, 12:49 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    The delay in responding to this request was not intentional. Please forgive the lack of promptness as required by law.
    We are diligently working to respond to this request. You will be provided an update by 5 pm, Friday, February 9, 2024 as to the progress on our response.


    JACKSON COUNTY – Public Records Request
    [email protected]
    401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Suite A-218, Sylva, NC 28779
    Phone 828.631.2212 ▪ Fax 828.631.2266


    E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized county official.

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • January 29, 2024 6:42 pm

    5 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Jan 29, 2024, 6:42 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Good evening JC Records and all others CCed,


    This is my 3rd and final attempt to follow-up with you all regarding my public records request, submitted to your offices on September 27:
    (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    The last I heard from your records officer, or received any response, was on November 02. They said they were “… processing this request and hope to provide a response by the end of the month.”


    Under NC Public Records Law, the County is required to “promptly” process all public records requests. Essentially, this means that if you are intentionally delaying the fulfillment of a request by allowing it to “sit” until staff has availability to address it, or feels like answering my emails, then this could be considered a denial of a request. With this in mind, I want to highlight the court case referenced in item #6 of the following article, posted on the NC Press Association website. In this instance: “The trial court held that an unjustified one-month delay in production of records was tantamount to a denial”. http://www.ncpress.com/stories/a-bakers-dozen-for-2022nc-public-records-law,2390


    Please provide an anticipated date for the completion of my request.


    I will follow up again in 1 week. At that point, if I still haven’t heard back, then I will mark this request as having been “Denied” by your organization.


    Thank you!


    ~ The Sunshine Request Team

    Status: Follow up
  • December 14, 2023 12:37 pm

    6 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Dec 14, 2023, 12:37 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Hi All,


    I hope that you’re having a good December so far.


    This is my 2nd attempt to follow-up regarding my public records request. I submitted it to your offices on September 27th:


    Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    The last I heard from your records officer was on November 02. They were “… processing this request and hope to provide a response by the end of the month.”


    Please provide an anticipated date for the completion of my request. I will follow again in 1 week, if I don’t hear back.


    Thank you!


    ~ The Sunshine Request Team

    Status: Follow up
  • December 5, 2023 6:43 pm

    6 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    date: Dec 5, 2023, 6:43 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Good evening Jackson County Public Records,


    I’m just following up my public records request in the email thread above. It was first sent to your offices on September 27th:


    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Sep 27, 2023, 2:49 PM
    subject: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    I understand from your last update to me on November 02 @ 12:44pm that you were “… processing this request and hope to provide a response by the end of the month.”


    Can you please provide an anticipated date for the completion of my request?


    I’ll follow up with you again in 1 week, if I haven’t heard anything else before then.


    Thank you for your help!


    ~ The Sunshine Request Team

    Status: Follow up
  • November 2, 2023 12:44 pm

    8 months ago

    from: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    date: Nov 2, 2023, 12:44 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    We are processing this request and hope to provide a response by the end of the month.


    JACKSON COUNTY – Public Records Request
    [email protected]
    401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Suite A-218, Sylva, NC 28779
    Phone 828.631.2212 ▪ Fax 828.631.2266


    E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized county official.

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • October 31, 2023 12:50 pm

    8 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Oct 31, 2023, 12:50 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Good afternoon,


    I hope you’re all well and have been having a good October so far!


    If possible, can you please provide a status update on the following public records request? I submitted it to you all on September 27th:


    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Sep 27, 2023, 2:49 PM
    subject: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    I’ll follow up again in another week or so, if I don’t hear anything else in the meantime.


    Thank you for your assistance!

    Status: Follow up
  • September 27, 2023 4:43 pm

    9 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Sep 27, 2023, 4:43 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Thanks for confirming!


    I’ll plan to follow up again at some point in mid-late October.


    Have a good evening!


    ~ The Sunshine Request Team

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • September 27, 2023 4:13 pm

    9 months ago

    from: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    to: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Sep 27, 2023, 4:13 PM
    subject: Re: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    This confirms receipt of this request.


    JACKSON COUNTY – Public Records Request
    [email protected]
    401 Grindstaff Cove Road, Suite A-218, Sylva, NC 28779
    Phone 828.631.2212 ▪ Fax 828.631.2266


    E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized county official.

    Status: Government Processing Request
  • September 27, 2023 2:49 pm

    9 months ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: Public Records Request <[email protected]>
    cc: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
    date: Sep 27, 2023, 2:49 PM
    subject: Public Records Request. (September 2023) Request for Jackson County, NC Government: All communications sent From and To John W. Smith. Related to Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library and “Sylva Pride”, and comments made on the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page. 08/01/23 – 09/16/23.


    Good Afternoon Jackson County Records Officer (and the Custodian of these Records),


    Please reply promptly to the following multi-part public records request, which is being made in accordance with NC Public Records Law.
    Ref: https://www.ncleg.net/enactedlegislation/statutes/html/bychapter/chapter_132.html


    ** I’m simply requesting an electronic copy of an electronic record, if one exists. I am NOT asking for the opportunity to come in person to inspect, nor to obtain a printed copy of, these electronic records. I’m requesting explicitly that any responsive info be provided to me via the electronic medium / electronic format (in which the copy of these records should already exist).


    I do not have any further clarifying info I wish to provide to narrow this request. If the request is unclear, or if you are unable to fulfill any or all parts of the request, then please specifically cite where a reason for its denial is justified under NC Public Records Law. **


    This request is related to the Fontana Regional Library / Jackson County Library, and “Sylva Pride”.


    A. The following was written about Commissioner John W. Smith in the Smoky Mountain News on 09/13/2023:


    “Smith did take to the Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page later in the week to comment on the issue. ‘I just wanted to say Thank You to all of you who have reached out this morning via text, email and phone calls in support of my position after the BoCC meeting last night,’ the Sept. 6 post read.”


    Ref: https://smokymountainnews.com/news/item/36373-residents-call-on-jackson-commissioner-to-apologize


    Please provide of the all of the phone logs, voicemails, emails, SMS text messages, Facebook Messenger messages, and Facebook comments, sent To and sent From Commissioner Smith (during the specific time period of 08/01/23 – 09/16/23) that he may have been referring to in his Facebook comment on the “Jackson County Unity Coalition Facebook page” as cited by the Media.


    B. Additionally. Please provide the Facebook Post, and all Facebook Comments made on that post (during the specific time period of 08/01/23 – 09/16/23), from the Jackson County Unity Coalition’s Facebook page – of which John W. Smith is referring to in his comment cited by the Smoky Mountain News.


    That Facebook page is not publicly available / viewable to non-members:


    It is my belief that a majority of the Board of Commissioners are members of that Facebook page, and therefore these records should be provided by Commissioner Smith as the Custodian of those records – and/or by any other Commissioner(s) who are also a Custodian of these records.


    ** Please note that by submitting this request, I’m NOT agreeing to pay any potential fees or associated costs related to my request. If it isn’t possible to process the request without incurring fees, then please let me know the itemized potential cost and explanations for those charges upfront, and DO NOT proceed until I respond.


    By Law I’m not required to provide a name or address to associate with a public records request, but in order to move things along I’d like to clarify that this request is being made by:


    Sunshine Request
    PO Box 17391
    Asheville, NC 28816


    The request has been sent solely from the email address [email protected] . If anyone other than that email address contacts you to pursue a similar request, it did not come from me or my Team. Please do not commingle or treat that as an alteration or cancellation of my request – I intend to continue to pursue my request.


    Thank you for your assistance!


    ** Sunshine Request (www.sunshinerequest.com) makes no claim as to the veracity of any statements or information contained in any of the requests, or public records, we receive.

    Status: Sent to Government
  • September 22, 2023 6:32 pm

    9 months ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending