Other (indicate in message) Submitted: May 30, 2018 | Updated: October 25, 2018

Task force officials

How much money have federal agencies provided to APD, Buncombe Sheriff, and other law enforcement agencies in exchange for Task Force personnel? It should include salaries, vehicles, and equipment.

Can you please send this to FBI, ICE, Homeland Security, and TSA.

Editor’s note:

This request is being marked as “Completed” on our site, as additional clarification is needed from the sender before it can be processed. However, if the sender would like to resubmit the request to include the information as specified by TSA on Oct 4, 2018, 3:42 PM (below), please do so and we will send to them again.

If you do resubmit, please Title the request, “Task force officials #2”.

Status: Completed


  • October 25, 2018 11:56 am

    5 years ago

    from: [email protected]
    to: [email protected]
    date: Oct 25, 2018, 11:56 AM
    subject: TSA FOIA 2018-TSUN-00347


    Good day,


    We have not received clarification regarding your request within the given timeframe.


    We are therefore administratively closing your request. Please be advised that this action is not a denial of your request and will not preclude you from filing other requests in the future.


    Thank you and have a great day!


    TSA FOIA Branch

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • October 4, 2018 3:42 pm

    5 years ago

    from: [email protected]
    to: [email protected]
    date: Oct 4, 2018, 3:42 PM
    subject: TSA FOIA Acknowledgement for 2018-TSUN-00347


    Greetings Sunshine Request:


    TSA in is receipt of the additional information you submitted via email regarding Request ID: 2018-TSUN-00347. You stated the following in your correspondence:


    This request is intended for the TSA. The requester on our site has not specified a specific timeline so I am unable to provide that. The only information I have that pertains to the request is as follows:
    “How much money have federal agencies provided to APD, Buncombe Sheriff, and other law enforcement agencies in exchange for Task Force personnel? It should include salaries, vehicles, and equipment.”


    Please be advised, the above information is still not specific enough/still too broad. Can you please provide more details as to the exact timeframe/day/year for which you are seeking the above information; as well as any other specific details regarding the exact records you are seeking.




    TSA FOIA Branch

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • September 24, 2018 8:32 am

    5 years ago

    from: [email protected]
    to: [email protected]
    date: Sep 24, 2018, 8:32 AM
    subject: eFOIA files available


    There are eFOIA files available for you to download.


    You can download the files at:


    Please Note:
    The above link(s) are only active for 48hrs. After the link expires you will have the option to reactivate the link(s) for an additional 48hrs. The max renewal limit is two (2) times. Thereafter, the links can no longer be accessed.


    You can renew the download files by logging into the efoia system and clicking the “Renew” button in the file list.


    **Editor’s Note: In response to this request, the FBI has sent back a PDF document disclosing how this request does not comply with the FOIA and its regulations. A copy of this PDF document is available to view at the top left under “Documents”

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • October 2, 2018 2:00 pm

    5 years ago

    from: Sunshine Request <[email protected]>
    to: [email protected]
    date: Oct 2, 2018, 2:00 PM
    subject: Re: TSA FOIA/PA Unperfected 2018-TSUN-00347


    Hi TSA FOIA Branch,


    This request is intended for the TSA. The requester on our site has not specified a specific timeline so I am unable to provide that. The only information I have that pertains to the request is as follows:
    “How much money have federal agencies provided to APD, Buncombe Sheriff, and other law enforcement agencies in exchange for Task Force personnel? It should include salaries, vehicles, and equipment.”


    Thank you,
    Sunshine Request

    Status: Clarification Provided
  • September 12, 2018 12:49 pm

    5 years ago

    from: FOIA <[email protected]>
    to:[email protected]” <[email protected]>
    date: Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 12:49 PM
    subject: TSA FOIA/PA Unperfected 2018-TSUN-00347


    September 12, 2018


    Good day,


    After careful review of your FOIA request, we determined that your request is too broad in scope or did not specifically identify the records which you are seeking. Records must be described in reasonably sufficient detail to enable government employees who are familiar with the subject area to locate records without placing an unreasonable burden upon the agency. For this reason, §5.3(b) of the DHS regulations, 6 C.F.R. Part 5, require that you describe the records you are seeking with as much information as possible to ensure that our search can locate them with a reasonable amount of effort. Whenever possible, a request should include specific information about each record sought, such as the date, title or name, author, recipients, and subject matter of the records, if known, or the DHS component or office you believe created and/or controls the record. The FOIA does not require an agency to create new records, answer questions posed by requesters, or attempt to interpret a request that does not identify specific records.


    In order for our office to move forward with your request, please specify if your request is intended for TSA of ICE. If it is TSA, please provide a timeframe and more details. Upon receipt of a perfected request, you will be advised as to the status of your request.


    If we do not hear from you within 30 days from the date of this email, we will assume you are no longer interested in this FOIA request, and the case will be administratively closed. Please be advised that this action is not a denial of your request and will not preclude you from filing other requests in the future.


    Your request has been assigned unperfected reference number 2018-TSUN-00347. Please refer to this identifier in any future correspondence.




    TSA FOIA Branch
    U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
    Transportation Security Administration (TSA)
    Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Branch
    601 S. 12th Street
    Arlington, VA 20598-6020

    Status: Response Received from Government
  • September 6, 2018 2:43 pm

    5 years ago

    **Editor’s Note: The message below was sent to the FBI, TSA, ICE, and Homeland Security using eFOIPA forms on the FBI’s website and DHS’s website:
    1. https://efoia.fbi.gov/#home
    2. https://www.dhs.gov/freedom-information-act-foia


    Good Afternoon,


    I work for a website called Sunshine Request www.sunshinerequest.com. We built a site that makes it easier to make public records requests by filling out a simple form, and the results of any requests are posted on our site. This allows citizens to learn more about our local government, while saving staff from having to fulfill duplicate requests. If you have any questions about the project, please let me know, and I’ll be happy to answer.


    We recently received a request for information that may be available in your office. If there’s another party that we should be contacting about this request then please let us know.


    Here are the details sent by the requester:


    Subject: Task force officials




    “How much money have federal agencies provided to APD, Buncombe Sheriff, and other law enforcement agencies in exchange for Task Force personnel? It should include salaries, vehicles, and equipment.”


    Thank you very much for your assistance.
    Have a great afternoon!


    Sunshine Request

    Status: Sent to Government
  • May 30, 2018 12:09 am

    6 years ago

    Submitted to Sunshine Request
    Status: Pending